To be eligible for basic financial assistance of Ontario Works, the participants will be required to:
- Participate in activities focused on employment assistance;
- Make rational efforts in receiving and retaining employment that a participant fully capable of doing;
- Make rational efforts in seeking, accepting and maintaining employment.
The activities by Ontario Works for employment assistance are design for the participants to have the opportunity to gain skills necessary for future progress in sustainable employment. Supports are provided to the following:
- All applicants and participants
- Participating ODSP non-disabled adults
- Participating but not obligatory ODSP recipients, spouses and dependent adults
Support and activities focused on employment assistance include:
- Organized job searching services;
- Session for employment information;
- Community activities focus on contribution encouragement and employability
- Employment availability and security services;
- Self-employment development activity;
- Recommendation for basic education or permitted trainings;
- Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP) program;
- Job-specific skills training procedures;
- Approved substance screening and necessary referral for rehabilitation.
Volunteering Can Provide Job Experience
Volunteering can provide you employment-related experience, acquire new skills and encounter people who can be essential for your future career. Before committing to volunteering, consider the following:
- Skills expected to learn
- Employment goals
- Time willing to allot for volunteering
If you are getting Ontario Works or ODSP benefits and your volunteer work is accepted as an activity of Ontario Works, then you may be entitled to receive help with expenses through your Employment and Social Services Centre. However, if you want to be assessed for additional financial benefits, these are the things you have to know:
- Your volunteer work should be in connection on your employment goal
- A non-profit organization was selected by you to volunteer
- The hours of volunteer work is no more than 70 per month
- Volunteer activities had approval for about six months and subject to extensions on certain instances
- The age must be at least 18 years old unless specified
To be assessed for additional financial benefits, you can get a Volunteer Details form from your handler or caseworker. You can request the agency to fill the form out on your behalf and provide your caseworker the accomplished form for reviewing.
For more details, communicate with your Ontario Works caseworker or your ODSP income support worker, or proceed to an Employment and Social Services Centre.